






“China and International Development” CIDGA 2020



Lecture Series on Development Knowledge (No.28)




Does International Development Cooperation Still Matter?



15:00-17:00pm. October 27, 2020 



Online (ZOOM: 66760056601) & On-line (CIDGA 7318, New Library, CAU)



Language: English




The COVID-19 is not only a worldwide health crisis, but also a crisis in global development governance. In the recent years, international development cooperation has been increasingly impacted by de-globalization. COVID-19 enhanced that trend. In such a context, the connotation of development effectiveness has been enriched since 1990s. It does not only mean that the effectiveness of development cooperation for citizens of the recipient countries, but also indicate its contribution for global integrity. Therefore, we are in great need of exploration for new ideas, methodologies, and architectures of development and development cooperation.


Against the backdrop, the dialog aims to investigate the following three questions: As an idea, whether the concept of development and development cooperation comes up with new paradigm? As a practice, whether development and development cooperation adopt new modalities and tools, and thus generate different effects on poverty reduction, economic inequality, climate change and other global and local challenges, particularly accentuated risks faced by vulnerable populations? As a governance framework, whether development and development cooperation encounter new actors and alliance, construct new governance structure, and thus initiating new types of relations?

主持人 徐秀丽,澳门新葡亰官网_澳门新葡亰-平台*游戏*app:国际发展与全球农业学院院长

Chair: Xiuli XU, Dean of CIDGA, CAU


开幕致辞 冯伟哲,澳门新葡亰官网_澳门新葡亰-平台*游戏*app:国际合作与交流处处长

Opening Remark: Weizhe FENG, Professor and Director of the International Office, CAU


视频问候 米增戈·平达,坦桑尼亚前总理

Video Greeting: Hon. Mizengo P. PINDA, Chancellor of Tanzania Open University and former Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania


对话嘉宾Distinguished Speakers

1.    林毅夫,全国政协常委,国务院参事,北京大学新结构经济学研究院院长

Justin Yifu LIN, Councilor of the State Council and a member of the Standing Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultation Conference, Dean of Institute of New Structural Economics, Peking University


2.    梅利萨·利奇,英国皇家社会科学院院士、英国发展研究院院长

Melissa LEACH, Academician of the Royal Academy of Social Sciences, Director of Institute of Development Studies (IDS), the U.K.


3.    卢迈,中国发展研究基金会副理事长,中国发展高层论坛秘书长

Mai LU, Vice Chairman, China Development Research Foundation (CDRF), Secretary General of China Development Forum


4.    维多利亚·塞基托莱科,乌干达农业部前部长、联合国粮农组织前驻华代表女士

Victoria SEKITOLEKO, Chairperson of the governing board of Uganda Agribusiness Alliance, Former Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Uganda


5.    樊胜根,澳门新葡亰官网_澳门新葡亰-平台*游戏*app:资深讲席讲授

Shenggen FAN, Chair Professor of CAU


6.    理查德·凯瑞,经合组织发展合作司前司长

Richard CAREY, Chair of International Advisory Committee of China International Development Research Network (CIDRN), Former OECD Director for Development Cooperation


7.    刘军强,中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院教授、副院长

Junqiang LIU, Professor and Deputy Dean of School of Government, Sun Yat-sen University


8.    李小云,澳门新葡亰官网_澳门新葡亰-平台*游戏*app:资深讲席教授、国际发展与全球农业学院名誉院长

Xiaoyun LI, Chair Professor of CAU, Honorary Dean of CIDGA