

OPEN SESSION of the Cornell - CAU Joint Course Agriculture, Food and the Environment No.1, 2022


主 题:种植制度如何适应与缓解气候变化

TOPIC: Cropping Systems Management with Attention to Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation


SPEAKER:Andrew McDonald, Associate Professor in the Department of Global Development at Cornell University, USA

语 言:英文

时 间:2022年9月7日(星期三)20:00-21:40,北京时间

地  点:澳门新葡亰官网_澳门新葡亰-平台*游戏*app:西校区 人文与发展学院CIAD报告厅

Zoom ID:872 0264 0057 密 码:0907



TIME: Beijing 20:00-21:40, Wednesday, September 7, 2022

VENUE: The Auditorium at CIAD, China Agricultural University (West Campus)

Zoom ID: 872 0264 0057   CODE: 0907

CONTACT: Zhang Sen, email: afe2022@foxmail.com



Andrew McDonald

Associate Professor in the Department of Global Development at Cornell University, USA. He is a cropping systems ecologist who addresses global challenges to agricultural sustainability and food security through process-based agronomy, integrated systems analysis, development of decision frameworks, and by fostering alliances for technology scaling. Andrew’s research interests include cropping systems ecology, agricultural sustainability and international agriculture, policy and applied social sciences. Much of Andrew’s current research program is anchored in South Asia where he previously led CIMMYT’s sustainable intensification program.