

【农业、食物与环境】康奈尔大学-澳门新葡亰官网_澳门新葡亰-平台*游戏*app:联合课程2022年开放讲座(二)OPEN SESSION of the Cornell - CAU Joint Course Agriculture, Food, and the Environment No.2, 2022

主 题:景观可持续性、牧区食物生产与牧民生计

TOPIC: Landscape sustainability, pastoral food production and livelihoods


SPEAKER:Chuan Liao, Assistant Professor in the Department of Global Development at Cornell University, USA;Editor-in-Chief of World Development.

语 言:英文

时 间:2022年11月2日(星期三)20:00-21:40,北京时间

地  点:澳门新葡亰官网_澳门新葡亰-平台*游戏*app:西校区 人文与发展学院CIAD报告厅

Zoom ID:872 0264 0057 密 码:1019



TIME: Beijing 20:00-21:40, Wednesday, November 2, 2022

VENUE: The Auditorium at CIAD, China Agricultural University (West Campus)

Zoom ID: 872 0264 0057   CODE: 1019

CONTACT: Zhang Sen, email: afe2022@foxmail.com


康奈尔大学全球发展系助理教授,SSCI-Q1期刊《世界发展》(World Development)主编。作为可持续发展与环境社会科学领域的交叉学科研究者,廖川的研究聚焦环境、发展与社会公正及其相互关系,通过统计学、空间分析和其他定量方法的结合来研究人类与环境的互动关系。他的研究主题领域涉及土地制度和土地利用变化、粮食安全、牧民流动与生计、社区为基础的自然资源管理、旱地可持续性以及可持续能源转型等。

Chuan Liao

Assistant Professor in the Department of Global Development at Cornell University, Editor-in-Chief of World Development. As an interdisciplinary sustainability and environmental social scientist, Chuan’s research interest lies at the intersection of environment, development, and justice. He develops and applies integrated approaches to study human-environment interactions by linking statistical, spatial, and other quantitative methods. He has worked on topics that include land tenure and land use change, food security, pastoralist mobility and livelihoods, community-based natural resources management, dryland sustainability, and sustainable energy transition.